Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What does flourishing look like?

I had a very rough Sunday at church. A woman who has started attending our church so recently that most people don't know her was given an opportunity to get up and make an announcement about what she plans to speak on for the next 4 Wednesday nights -- and the Sunday School class she is starting. It shouldn't have hit me so hard because I'm glad when I see women being "allowed" to do these sorts of things. But I sooo wished it had been me.

I ended up slipping out of choir and going down to our fellowship hall. "Needy" people watch our a video stream of our service while waiting to be served lunch.  The pastor's sermon was "What Child is This" -- and related how when we ignore "the least of these", we're figuratively ignoring Jesus. (More tears, feeling quite "ignored"...)

But I've had a thought. Maybe after the choir sings, I may make it my habit to slip out and be with these people.   Maybe they are meant to help me flourish -- and maybe I am meant to help them do the same.  We can "be Jesus" to one another...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thoughts on One Word 365

Before the New Year began, I was impressed by Psalm 52:8 

"I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever."

This will be my verse for 2014
and "flourish" will be my word.

I am not sure olive trees are supposed to be planted in God's house, but I'm going to find out the how, why, when...

Maybe I'll find out why I feel like such an oddball in my local church...